
from $35.00

Sardinia, Italy

Frames are custom cut and hand-made by Framebridge, who ships them to you ready to hang. Framebridge’s mouldings are made of solid wood with premium finishes, including acid-free materials and acrylic with UV protection. Each frame is inspected by their experts to ensure perfection before it is shipped out to you from their studios here in the United States. International shipping is not available at this time.

Prints are made with care through Bay Photo on exquisite Fine Art Paper using a high-resolution large format inkjet printer.

All orders take anywhere from 12 to 14 business days from order to delivery, including shipping time. All prints and framed prints are final sale.

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Sardinia, Italy

Frames are custom cut and hand-made by Framebridge, who ships them to you ready to hang. Framebridge’s mouldings are made of solid wood with premium finishes, including acid-free materials and acrylic with UV protection. Each frame is inspected by their experts to ensure perfection before it is shipped out to you from their studios here in the United States. International shipping is not available at this time.

Prints are made with care through Bay Photo on exquisite Fine Art Paper using a high-resolution large format inkjet printer.

All orders take anywhere from 12 to 14 business days from order to delivery, including shipping time. All prints and framed prints are final sale.

Sardinia, Italy

Frames are custom cut and hand-made by Framebridge, who ships them to you ready to hang. Framebridge’s mouldings are made of solid wood with premium finishes, including acid-free materials and acrylic with UV protection. Each frame is inspected by their experts to ensure perfection before it is shipped out to you from their studios here in the United States. International shipping is not available at this time.

Prints are made with care through Bay Photo on exquisite Fine Art Paper using a high-resolution large format inkjet printer.

All orders take anywhere from 12 to 14 business days from order to delivery, including shipping time. All prints and framed prints are final sale.

Prints Only:

  • Small: 8” x 10”

  • Medium: 16” x 22”

  • Large: 24” x 30”

Framed Prints:

  • X-Small: 10.875” x 8.875” (with 1.5 inch mat)

  • Small: 15.875” x 12.375” (with 1.5 inch mat)

  • Medium: 30.875” x 27.5” (with 3 inch mat)

  • Large: 35.875” x 27.5” (with 3 inch mat)

Questions about sizing recommendations or custom dimensions? Please reach out to shannoneganphoto@gmail.com.